EnviTec Biogas in the USA 

Business milestones

As EnviTec Biogas progresses through its 15th year in the US, we look back with humble thanks to our customers and partners for their support establishing many milestones:


On September 23, 2010, EnviTec founder, owner, and CEO Olaf von Lehmden signs the official papers to establish the US subsidiary, EnviTec Biogas USA, Inc.


Our parent breaks through 300 MW of energy output in its tenth year! We as EnviTec US sign our first project to build a 541 kW biogas plant digesting feed residue, animal manure and fats from the Lawnhurst Farm in New York. 


Within a year of signature, the Lawnhurst Farm digester and CHP goes into operation on-time and under budget. 

Our second contract is executed in the US at Noblehurst Farms and was designed to run on a mixture of dairy manure and food waste and includes a CHP. 


The American Biogas Council (ABC) awards the Lawnhurst Farm project “Project of the Year.” Noblehurst Farms is commissioned in December 2014

Innovative, technologically superior, and sustainable – the American Biogas Council (ABC) awards the 541 kW EnviTec biogas plant "Lawnhurst Energy, LLC" of the Jensen family in New York these three accolades.


EnviTec adds a service group, bringing digestion and mechanical experts on board to augment operational support. As in Germany, EnviTec's own plants and biogas plants from other manufacturers can be technically and biologically maintained and inspected, bringing EnviTec even closer to its customers in the USA!

Lars von Lehmden, CEO EnviTec Biogas USA Inc. executes two contracts for an AD and CHP plant at Lamb Lakeshore Dairy and Adirondak Dairy.


The third and fourth EnviTec plants are commissioned in the Empire State, also completed on time, on budget with biogas production higher than forecasted.


EnviTec joins the ABC and exhibits at BioCycle Refor18 while expanding staff in key support functions.


EnviTec starts modifications required per US norms, standards and codes for the EnviThan upgrading system to be installed in the US, building upon an almost 10-year relationship with Evonik.


Keeping an eye on things – Lawnhurst Dairy reports 98% uptime 8 years after being placed in service.


Tim Logan, a well-rounded force in renewables, joins EnviTec as US General Manager. Tim’s expertise in economics, renewable regulatory mechanisms and negotiations accelerates the pace of development through his extensive network. EnviTec signs its first four biogas plants in the US incorporating EnviThan biogas upgrading. 


Collin Precast joins forces with EnviTec US to accelerate pre-stressed AD tank fabrication in the US. Word of the 100% on time completion record spreads and eight orders are booked.  The accelerating pace of development prompts the creation of EnviTec Biogas Construction, LLC and EnviTec Biogas Service, LLC to keep 98% uptime through customer service and support.


Combined office/warehouses are opened in Rochester, NY and Watertown, SD. Four biogas plant contracts signed as two plants are completed using the patented EnviThan membrane upgrading system in New York state and Conneticut. The new offices/warehouses add proximate parts and service for customers. EnviTec is now active with construction in Connecticut, New York, Indiana, Minnesota and South Dakota with personnel in Oregon, Illinois, Texas, South Dakota, Minnesota and New York.


Two EnviThan upgraders are commissioned and engineering starts in Wisconsin, a new state for EnviTec.  Technical and operational support personnel now number 30 across the US in 5 states.